
CMOV - assembly (CMOV 관련 모든 명령어 정리)

nightohl 2018. 2. 14. 17:08

CMOV -- Conditional Move (조건부 대입) 명령어 정리

※ : r32, r/m32에도 동일하게 적용된다.

ex) CMOVZ ecx, [ebp-23ch]  :  ecx가 0(ZF==1)이라면 ecx에 [ebp-23ch]를 대입한다.



Z : Condition

(if dst==zero)  ==> mov ecx, [ebp-23ch] 이라고 생각하면 이해가 쉽다.

Opcode Instruction Description
0F 40 /r CMOVO r16, r/m16 Move if overflow (OF=0)
0F 41 /r CMOVNO r16, r/m16 Move if not overflow (OF=0)
0F 42 /r CMOVB r16, r/m16 Move if below (CF=1)
0F 42 /r CMOVC r16, r/m16 Move if carry (CF=1)
0F 43 /r CMOVAE r16, r/m16 Move if above or equal (CF=0)
0F 43 /r CMOVNB r16, r/m16 Move if not below (CF=0)
0F 43 /r CMOVNC r16, r/m16 Move if not carry (CF=0)
0F 44 /r CMOVE r16, r/m16 Move if equal (ZF=1)
0F 44 /r CMOVZ r16, r/m16 Move if zero (ZF=1)
0F 45 /r CMOVNE r16, r/m16 Move if not equal (ZF=0)
0F 45 /r CMOVNZ r16, r/m16 Move if not zero (ZF=0)
0F 46 /r CMOVBE r16, r/m16 Move if below or equal
(CF=1 or ZF=1)
0F 46 /r CMOVNA r16, r/m16 Move if not above (CF=1 or ZF=1)
0F 47 /r CMOVA r16, r/m16 Move if above (CF=0 and ZF=0)
0F 47 /r CMOVNBE r16, r/m16 Move if not below or equal
(CF=0 and ZF=0)
0F 48 /r CMOVS r16, r/m16 Move if sign (SF=1)
0F 49 /r CMOVNS r16, r/m16 Move if not sign (SF=0)
0F 4A /r CMOVP r16, r/m16 Move if parity (PF=1)
0F 4A /r CMOVPE r16, r/m16 Move if parity even (PF=1)
0F 4B /r CMOVNP r16, r/m16 Move if not parity (PF=0)
0F 4B /r CMOVPO r16, r/m16 Move if parity odd (PF=0)
0F 4C /r CMOVL r16, r/m16 Move if less (SF<>OF)
0F 4C /r CMOVNGE r16, r/m16 Move if not greater or equal
0F 4D /r CMOVGE r16, r/m16 Move if greater or equal (SF=OF)
0F 4D /r CMOVNL r16, r/m16 Move if not less (SF=OF)
0F 4E /r CMOVLE r16, r/m16 Move if less or equal
(ZF=1 or SF<>OF)
0F 4E /r CMOVNG r16, r/m16 Move if not greater
(ZF=1 or SF<>OF)
0F 4F /r CMOVG r16, r/m16 Move if greater (ZF=0 and SF=OF)
0F 4F /r CMOVNLE r16, r/m16 Move if not less or equal
(ZF=0 and SF=OF)


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